Cathy's Chords
- songs for guitar, ukulele & banjo

Lyrics and chords to old folk songs and favourites from the 50's on.
Learn-to-play acoustic guitar and ukulele tips for beginners... and some banjo as well.
Donations Welcome
Donations Welcome
The resources on my sites are offered freely for your personal and educational use.
Several people have asked about donating to help with my expenses, so I am including an option to donate if you would like to. I would like to continue to add to this site (when I have time) and to keep it "ad-free" - also to keep the site from being deactivated because of exceeding my bandwidth allowance when there are too many downloads!
Please don't feel that you need to donate- I would hate to make anyone feel uncomfortable. Positive feedback is also always appreciated in the guestbook or Facebook page, or by message :)
Donations to keep this site open
Donations to keep this site open
Started: December 22, 2011

This is a hobby website, which I fund myself - I get no income from the site, I and pay to keep it ad-free and to have the content freely available.
I now have to pay extra for more bandwidth because the high number of visitors each day meant that the site was threatened with deactivation.
If you have found this site useful and would like to donate to keep it open, even a few dollars helps!
Thank you! :)